Vena Energy Announces 70.2-megawatt Mingus Solar Project Reaching Commercial Operation

[Taipei, Taiwan] – Vena Energy, the largest independent renewable energy developer in the Asia-Pacific region, announced today that the 70-megawatt “Mingus” solar project is fully operational. The project features 195,000 photovoltaic modules that span an area approximately 79.5-hectres, nestled in salt plains of Chiayi County in Taiwan. Capable of producing more than 100-gigawatt hours (GWh) of renewable energy annually, the Mingus solar project was built by a workforce of about 600 local workers and will meet the electricity demands of approximately 28,000 households, while reducing around 60,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, and saving up to 380,000-litres of water per year.

“Mingus is the largest ground mount utility scale solar project in Taiwan, and we are excited to continue supporting Taiwan’s goals for reaching 20 GW of renewable power generation by 2025” said Nitin Apte, CEO of Vena Energy.

A bird’s-eye view of the Mingus Solar Project reveals an outline of the Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea Minor), some of which migrates to the salt plains near the Mingus Solar Project during the winter months. Classified as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCNR), the Black-faced Spoonbill and other waterfowl can be seen feeding and even breeding near or at the Mingus solar project.

Sam Ong, Group CFO of Vena Energy and Head of Vena Energy Taiwan, said, “Since the beginning of the project, the preservation of the natural environment was our utmost priority. We committed significant resources to shorten the construction period so that it would not affect the winter migratory season and reserved an area of approximately 24.1-hectares for the Ecological Conservation Area, so that local wildlife including waterfowls can flourish. The restoration of existing evaporation ponds and enhancement of some of the crystallisation ponds enables the wildlife to live in harmony with our solar project, thus preserving the ecological balance”.



【2019年9月16日,台北訊】 韋能能源今天宣布,裝置容量達70.2MW的「台灣艾貴義竹發電廠」正式商轉。此太陽能廠坐落於台灣嘉義縣的布袋八區鹽田,佔地約79.5公頃,施工期間投入約600名當地人力,案廠擁有十九萬五千片太陽能模板,每年可產生超過一億度的電,可滿足約兩萬八千戶家庭的用電需求,同時減少約六萬噸溫室氣體排放,每年更可省下高達三十八萬升的水資源。

韋能能源執行長Nitin Apte表示:「台灣艾貴義竹發電廠是台灣截至目前民營電廠中最大的地面型太陽能電廠。我們很高興與台灣政府一同努力,一起朝向2025年20 GW再生能源設置目標努力。」


韋能能源財務長暨台灣區總裁Sam Ong表示:「自太陽能發電廠設計規劃階段,維護自然環境是我們的首要任務。我們投入大量資源來縮短建設週期,避免影響重要野鳥及棲地動物冬季的遷徙,並於生態保留區規劃了約24.1公頃的面積,讓包括水鳥在內的當地野生動物無憂無慮的成長與棲息。我們保留了現地樣貌,並改造一部分鹽田結晶池成為生態島,讓野生動物與太陽能發電區和諧共處,使太陽能與環境生態達到平衡與共榮。」

韋能能源為亞太地區規模最大的民營再生能源開發商,總部位於新加坡,在澳洲、日本、台灣、印度、印尼、菲律賓、和泰國皆設有分公司,共擁有超過185個營運中、施工中和開發中的資產,總裝置容量超過11GW。韋能能源自行管理所有專案的開發、設計、採購、施工管理和營運維護,並以當地社區與環境為各專案的首要考量,將環境,社會和公司治理標準納入策略和業務實踐。 欲了解更多訊息,請見www.venaenergy.com。


September 16, 2019

For General Inquiries

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Angela Tan
Group Head, Corporate Communications

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Juwon Chae
Group Head, Sustainability and Investor Relations